Cannot boot UP2 board. Missing harddrive?

My UP squared board suddenly stopped booting and now boots directly into BIOS. This has happened one time earlier, and I then solved it by doing a reinstall from a backup image I had made using clonezilla. We are using this board in one of out products and now had to change it with a spare board we had.

I have seen other people reporting similar issues:

Can someone please answer some questions as I don't see them answered anywhere yet.
1. Have you found out what the issues were on the returned boards that reported the same issues?
2. Is this related to a malfunction in this specific board or can we expect this to happen on other boards we use?

The BIOS does not seem to recognize any harddrive on the board, and that is probably the reason for it not booting. When I booted "gparted" from a USB however, the harddrive seemed to be intact.

We have noe built our prototype for this specific board and are relying on it to be stable as we do not have physical access to it once it's deployed. We need some answers on the background of this issue and if this is a "one time" occurrence or a software/hardware bug that may haunt us in the future.



  • DCleri
    DCleri Administrator, AAEON Posts: 1,213 admin

    First of all you should update to the latest version (first upgrade to 4.0 then to 4.6).

    Regarding the eMMC, it can happen, like with any platform that some components fail.

    As I can see, you are not using a supported Linux System.
    In your case it is simply the bootloader configuration lost after the system lost power probably.

    In order to fix it, you can try to install the grub bootloader with the --removable option

  • eas
    eas New Member Posts: 5

    Thanks for your reply. The same thing has happened two times with this board now.
    Are there any release notes for the BIOS 4.0 and 4.6 available? Could not find any on the downloads or wiki page.

    The board was ordered with ubuntu linux 16.04 pre-installed so the linux version is correct. The terminal in the last image is not from the operating system but launched from a bootable GParted USB stick.

    So, how can I avoid the bootloader configuration getting "lost" then? We can't have this happening every now and then. Is this an error with a fix I can apply other than reinstalling and hoping for the best?

    Do you have any input on the failure rate of these boards so we can have an educated decision on the risk?

  • DCleri
    DCleri Administrator, AAEON Posts: 1,213 admin

    The release notes of the BIOS are in the history file inside the archive with the BIOS file.

    The behavior you are describing is not normal. With Ubuntu you shouldn't have that at all as the system would be able to recover automatically.
    If you can see the eMMC, there is no failure of the components on the board.

    My suggestion is first to try to update the BIOS to the latest version and see if you can replicate the issue.

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