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Category List
10 discussions 19 comments Most recent: Configure one of 7100 Squard's USB ports to device mode by HarryChiu December 10
19 discussions 33 comments Most recent: How can ACPI link a permanently connected device to an SoC UART? by HexDump December 13
25 discussions 52 comments Most recent: 1185GRE i7 Cache Allocation Technology (CAT) Config Problem by garyw October 8
148 discussions 444 comments Most recent: Can't install any OS on UP Xtreme (i3-8145UE, 8/64) by koluchy October 31
1.4K discussions 4.3K comments Most recent: UP-3GHAT-A20-0001 - device disconnected by HarryChiu October 28
41 discussions 75 comments Most recent: we had vision x developer kit but dont know its version A or B by Owen September 24