FW Update: How creating UEFI bootable USB drive?

New Member Posts: 8 ✭
I am not an Linux or Uefi expert, but i would like to upgrade the FW on my up-board because I covered lots of problems (USB-3 etc). For the moment I do not know how can I create an UEFI bootable USb drive as a starting point?
Thank y for any help,
Thank y for any help,
as no one else is interested in answering. Use Rufus. https://rufus.akeo.ie/
set partition type to gpt and point it to your ISO. note that when you load the iso it will default back to MBR, be sure to set ti back to gpt. -
What works for me:
Get grub compiled for x86_64-efi, create a first FAT32 partition on the disk:
grub.cfg contains the normal grub config; BOOTX64.efi is the grub EFI binary (which includes required drivers/modules).
This works on both the UP board as well als in QEMU & VirtualBox. -
Thanks, but what do y mean by "Get grub compiled for x86_64-efi", I am not an expert in Linux or UEFI stuff.
I got mine compiled using buildroot. I have attached the binary which you can use if you like.
Hi Nic,
You can simply format a USB drive as FAT32 and then you should extract the content of the new BIOS package from here (which includes the EFI shell and boot): https://up-community.org/downloads/uefi-bios/uefi-bios-upc1bm0x
Follow the instructions on that page to update the BIOS.