RTC Quality

Hi, would like to use the UpBoard for generating output with accurate timestamps. The idea is to use GPS based time source into an onboard NTP server to update the local time. However, when I remove the GPS feed I would like to understand the possible clock drift.
Does anybody know the part numbers for the RTC so I can investigate its quality.
For RTC battery, please find attached the approval sheet.
PN is: 175011301K
Pratik -
Hi Pratik,
Sorry but you have misunderstood my request, or I was not clear. I am not after the battery but the RTC component details.
Take the ChronoPi 1.0, a Real Time Clock module for RPI. That uses a D3231-based I2C module to track time. In that specification/data sheet I can see the stated accuracy.
https://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/DS3231.pdfI was hoping to be able to check/compare the accuracy of the integrated timing device for the UpBoard.
Hi @Seanl,
The rtc is embedded in the SoC.
Please download the Intel datasheet: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/products/docs/processors/atom/z-series/z8000-datasheet-vol-1.html
And check out information from chapter 4
@SeanI said:
Hi Pratik,Sorry but you have misunderstood my request, or I was not clear. I am not after the battery but the RTC component details.
Take the ChronoPi 1.0, a Real Time Clock module for RPI. That uses a D3231-based I2C module to track time. In that specification/data sheet I can see the stated accuracy.
https://datasheets.maximintegrated.com/en/ds/DS3231.pdf geometry dash worldI was hoping to be able to check/compare the accuracy of the integrated timing device for the UpBoard.
The SoCIETY incorporates the rtc. Did you get the most recent version?