Double Edge TPU Usage
Hi guys,
we are trying to get a Double Edge TPU working on our Up-Squared boards but only one Part of the TPU is working.
The Double Edge Coral TPU is installed in the M.2 E-Key slot of the board. The specs should now show 2 chips instead of 1.
Has anyone a clue how we could fix that?
Kind regards
Gianluca Santangelo
Have you checked whether the pinout of Double Edge TPU M.2 signal is compatible with UP ^ 2 CN7 (M.2 E-KEY) ?
Here's the UP^2 manual
UP Squared (UPS-APL) Manual 5.0 -
The TPU module requires 2xPCIe (one per Edge TPU), but UP Squared only supports one PCIe on M.2 E-key slot
Therefore, only one Edge TPU can be detected with UP Squared M.2.
See the datasheet below I found - M.2 Accelerator with Dual Edge TPU datasheet