Up Squared Flashing with eMMc
Hi I have been following this link to run Windows IoT Core on a Up Squared device.
I currently have the device running Windows IoT Core, but only via the usb stick. How do I install the Windows IoT Core Image from the usb stick to the eMMc so I don't need to run with the usb stick plugged in. Task 12 says to run the eMMC Installer script, but how do I run this from the Windows UI portal or via the computer's IP Address Portal.
Help would be much appreciated.
Have you tried already our installation tutorial?
Thanks for the reply.
Yes, I have also been following this installation tutorial, however it is different to the instructions shown in the Microsoft link.
This is what I have followed so far:
(1) Installed the Windows ADK
(2) Run copype to create a working copy of the Windows PE files
(3) Use MakeWinPEMedia with the /UFD option to format and install Windows
PE to the USB flash drive
(4) Called this command from my non UpSquared computer dism.exe /Apply-Image /ImageFile:"flash.ffu" /SkipPlatformCheck /ApplyDrive:\.\PhysicalDriveN. N = Usb Flash drive location.
(5) Plugged the usb stick into the UpSquared SBCI think I might have step 4 incorrect and I am only suppose to copy the flash.ffu to the flash drive and call (4) command on the UpSquared SBC.
Do the Step (5) before Step (4). UPS board will boot up WinPE environment from USB drive. On the command prompt enter "dism.exe" with arguments.