How to setup UP2 for Windows Debugging ?
Hi all,
I am running Windows 10.0.18363 on UP2, and would like to connect to other Windows host PC for debugging.
I've follow the following link and tried connect with "10-pin connector CN7 (UART0)" with "3.3V FTDI Serial cable".
On UP2, I've set up the debug settings as below :
bcdedit /debug on
bcdedit /dbgsettings SERIAL DEBUGPORT:1 BAUDRATE:115200
But it doesn't seems to work with WinDbg. Does any one have similar experience on Windows debugging ? Should I use ethernet for Windows debugging on UP2 instead ?
Thanks !!
A serial cable must be properly connected between the Host (PC) and the Target UP. So, please verify on your Host that you are able to access that UP, and make sure the serial cable is connected properly (see below picture)
And pease refer to the following information about Windwos debug tools & Troubleshooting,
Download the Windows Driver Kit (WDK)
Setting Up Kernel-Mode Debugging over a Serial Cable Manually
Troubleshooting for Windbg always show "Waiting to reconnectAccessing the BIOS through the serial port
Also, you can following Up wiki to check CN7 at
Thanks for the reply. So far I've tried, Windows kernel debugging does not work with SERIAL. I am not sure if any BIOS settings can help enable this feature.
However, kernel debugging is available using NET works for UP2.