AI Core XM 2280 issues

I'm running into issues trying to get the OpenVino demos to work with the XM pcie board
similar to the issues listed here
I used this guide to get started.
I am able to run the demos using the NC2 USB stick by running:./object_detection_demo_yolov3_async -i "cam" -m ~/OpenVINO-YoloV3/lrmodels/YoloV3/FP16/frozen_yolo_v3.xml -d MYRIAD
but if I use the HDDL device, it fails with:
InferenceEngine: API version ............ 2.1 Build .................. custom_releases/2019/R3_ac8584cb714a697a12f1f30b7a3b78a5b9ac5e05 Description ....... API [ INFO ] Parsing input parameters [ INFO ] Reading input [ INFO ] Loading Inference Engine [ INFO ] Device info: open /dev/ion failed! HDDL HDDLPlugin version ......... 2.1 Build ........... custom_releases/2019/R3_7b82e005b9a7b4e7baaf96977afebc5ae0a7298f [ INFO ] Loading network files [ INFO ] Batch size is forced to 1. [ INFO ] Checking that the inputs are as the demo expects [ INFO ] Checking that the outputs are as the demo expects [ INFO ] Loading model to the device open /dev/ion failed! open /dev/ion failed! [13:07:31.1415][11233]I[main.cpp:243] ## HDDL_INSTALL_DIR: /opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/inference_engine/external/hddl [13:07:31.1415][11233]I[main.cpp:245] Config file '/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/inference_engine/external/hddl/config/hddl_service.config' has been loaded [13:07:31.1418][11233]ERROR[FileHelper.cpp:258] Error: Failed to set owner to file: /var/tmp/hddl_service_alive.mutex [13:07:31.1418][11233]ERROR[FileHelper.cpp:258] Error: Failed to set owner to file: /var/tmp/hddl_service_ready.mutex [13:07:31.1418][11233]ERROR[FileHelper.cpp:258] Error: Failed to set owner to file: /var/tmp/hddl_start_exit.mutex [13:07:31.1419][11233]I[AutobootStarter.cpp:156] Info: No running autoboot process. Start autoboot daemon... open /dev/ion failed! [13:07:31.1487][11235]ERROR[FileHelper.cpp:258] Error: Failed to set owner to file: /var/tmp/hddl_autoboot_alive.mutex [13:07:31.1487][11235]ERROR[FileHelper.cpp:258] Error: Failed to set owner to file: /var/tmp/hddl_autoboot_ready.mutex [13:07:31.1488][11235]ERROR[FileHelper.cpp:258] Error: Failed to set owner to file: /var/tmp/hddl_autoboot_start_exit.mutex [13:07:31.1488][11235]ERROR[FileHelper.cpp:258] Error: Failed to set owner to file: /tmp/ [13:07:31.1488][11235]I[AutoBoot.cpp:300] [Firmware Config] deviceName=default deviceNum=0 firmwarePath=/opt/intel/openvino_2019.3.376/deployment_tools/inference_engine/external/hddl/lib/mvnc/MvNCAPI-ma2x8x.mvcmd [13:07:31.1503][11235]ERROR[AutoBoot.cpp:470] Error: HDDL hardware initialization failed, exits now. [13:07:32.1432][11233]I[AutobootStarter.cpp:79] Info: Service has been waiting for Autoboot to boot up for 1 seconds ... [13:07:33.1444][11233]I[AutobootStarter.cpp:79] Info: Service has been waiting for Autoboot to boot up for 2 seconds ... [13:07:34.1459][11233]I[AutobootStarter.cpp:79] Info: Service has been waiting for Autoboot to boot up for 3 seconds ... [13:07:35.1474][11233]I[AutobootStarter.cpp:79] Info: Service has been waiting for Autoboot to boot up for 4 seconds ... [13:07:36.1490][11233]I[AutobootStarter.cpp:79] Info: Service has been waiting for Autoboot to boot up for 5 seconds ... [13:07:37.1505][11233]I[AutobootStarter.cpp:79] Info: Service has been waiting for Autoboot to boot up for 6 seconds ... [13:07:38.1522][11233]I[AutobootStarter.cpp:79] Info: Service has been waiting for Autoboot to boot up for 7 seconds ... [13:07:39.1538][11233]I[AutobootStarter.cpp:79] Info: Service has been waiting for Autoboot to boot up for 8 seconds ... [13:07:40.1553][11233]I[AutobootStarter.cpp:79] Info: Service has been waiting for Autoboot to boot up for 9 seconds ... [13:07:41.1569][11233]I[AutobootStarter.cpp:79] Info: Service has been waiting for Autoboot to boot up for 10 seconds ... [13:07:41.1570][11233]ERROR[AutobootStarter.cpp:89] Error: Service wait Autoboot to get ready failed due to timeout after 10 seconds.
was following the instructions in the pdf to reset the devicesudo ./bsl_reset -i 224
> results in: bsl_reset fail for: BSL_ERROR_INVALID_DEVICE_ID
Actually I discovered now if I run the demo using
I can see the two devices from the xm2280 and the one usb stick I have plugged in, it just seems the demo's only pick one device? how can I test performance from all three? Is that what the HDDL allows? -
OK, it turns out using
got it to work, after seeing that it can work as usb device this should be good. The docs here hinted to this potentially working when I saw the MULTI part