Booting OS using the serial console : It freezes

Hello Up community,
I am trying to boot my Up Squared board and show the entire booting log on the serial console but after choosing the boot option the serial console freezes (Still have the graphic entry working fine)
Any thoughts?
I'm using the :
Bios version UPA1AM40
OS : Ubilinux 4.0 (also tried with ubuntu-18.04.2)
I am only guessing, but could it be that you need to change the kernel command line? This might give you some ideas.
@snuhg I already tried to change the kernel command line but unfortunately it doesn't work (I still have the same problem). What I fail to understand is that it works just fine at the beginning and just when I choose the boot option it freezes I tried to look into the BIOS options but I fail to find the reason behind it. Otherwise if someone have an idea how to have the entire booting log without having to use the serial console I would be thankful.
quite a lot of info (kernel messages, etc ...) is logged by the system and can be retrieved after booting, for example with
journalctl -b
(run command as root or member of adm group) -
@snuhg Seeing that I changed quite a bit of the kernel options to adapt to the application I'm working on the boot results in a kernel panic thus the reason I need the booting log to identify the problems I need to resolve