Error: Secure Flash function is not supported on this file

Trying to flash original upboard and I get "Error: Secure Flash function is not supported on this file". Zip:
I have the same problem. up board 4/64
It is also not clear whether the need to update. The current version of the bios 2.17.1249, and what current? -
By the default, board comes with a two-year BIOS. And will not be updated to 17 because of an error above.
Updates for version 15 passes.temporarily posting here the 15th version for the needy, but in the current situation without giving a link, I do not give a solution.
I hope the administration will forgive me.I would like the link to version 15 to be in downloads. or corrected update error.
We also encounter the same issue "Error: Secure Flash function is not supported on this file" with the latest vesion (UPC1DM17).
Flashing with version 15 hopefully works. Was the issue signaled to UPboard?
Thanks and cheers,
allakwea, thanks!
I've running in to the same issues. but i have an older bios Version: UPC1BM0X
But i can not found older bios version to update'15 is to new.
nevermind - solved, dont use "blk1:", use always "fs1:"
OK, thanks. I successfully upgraded from UPC1BM0T (06/16/2016) to the v15. So that step worked. But now, when I try to
Launch EFI Shell from filesystem device
, I simply get aNot found
:-( So what's the next step?? -
OK, don't push everything into sub directories;-)
The fpt64_2.0.5.3107.efi tool in allakwea's attachment can be used to update the UP Board BIOS to any version you like. Managed to update from UPC1BM0X.bin (2016 BIOS image) to UPC1DM23_EFI (2021 BIOS image).
So, instead of using afuefix64.efi which gives error "Error: Secure Flash function is not supported on this file" like below command:
afuefix64.efi UPC1DM23.BIN /B /P /N /R /X /REBOOT
You can copy the fpt64_2.0.5.3107.efi tool onto your USB and use that instead:
fpt64_2.0.5.3107.efi -f UPC1DM23.BIN -y
You can also use the same tool to export your BIOS to .bin file for copying onto other UP Boards if you want particular BIOS settings for example BIOS watchdog setting enabled/disabled:
fpt64_2.0.5.3107.efi -d backup.bin
Tried to update my UPC1BMOS (2016) version to Version 15. Seemed ok during update but after it reset I cannot seen any output on the HDMI port anymore. So one sick UP Core.