Build Errors yocto poky linux(pyro)

Hideki New Member Posts: 3


I have been trying to build yocto poky linux(pyro) on host PC(ubuntus16.04.4 on VirtualBox).
But it has finished building with following errors ,so I could not get builded image.


ERROR: linux-intel-4.9.81+gitAUTOINC+a2dfb1610d_c249d8e0ca-r0.1 do_unpack: Fetcher failure: Fetch command export [ environment variable...]; git -c core.fsyncobjectfiles=0 checkout -B yocto-4.9 a2dfb1610d9dad34652a3c27c6c9d8751ed67af6 failed with exit code 128, output:
fatal: reference is not a tree: a2dfb1610d9dad34652a3c27c6c9d8751ed67af6

ERROR: linux-intel-4.9.81+gitAUTOINC+a2dfb1610d_c249d8e0ca-r0.1 do_unpack: Function failed: base_do_unpack
ERROR: Logfile of failure stored in: /home/apn/poky/build/tmp/work/corei7-64-intel-common-poky-linux/linux-intel/4.9.81+gitAUTOINC+a2dfb1610d_c249d8e0ca-r0.1/temp/log.do_unpack.8177
ERROR: Task ([ home directry path...]/poky/meta-intel/common/recipes-kernel/linux/ failed with exit code '1'


I have used following procedure for building yocto poky linux(pyoro):


git clone -b pyro git://
cd poky

git clone -b pyro git://

git clone -b pyro git://

git clone -b pyro

TEMPLATECONF=meta-up-board/conf source oe-init-build-env

bitbake upboard-image-sato


Is threre any mistake or missing procedure in my procedure?

I would appreciate any sort of help with this issue.


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