UP board heat spreader mounting holes dimensions

Hi, I'm looking for 2d/3d drawings of the heat spreader (not heat sink) for the UP Board. I don't see it at the current community download page, but at some point in the past it was available - I was able to use it to determine the mounting holes positions. Unfortunately I didn't save that file.
Good thing I kept files in my 'Download' folder for years. I found the zip file that contains the .dwg file of the part in question (M16UPCH020).
Can a .STP file be make available as well? The tapered-punch out part of the plate is not trivial to re-create in 3d. Thanks.
Hi, could you repost the DWG file ? I don't seem to find it anywhere and would help me a lot to create a custom plate for the UP.
Thank you! -
For some reasons the forum doesn't let me post the file here, even if it's just a jpg file. I can email to you. Hopefully admin sees this and add their DWG file back into the Download section.
Sure, that would be great !
Thanks a lot ! Meanwhile I have recreated the pattern in direct measurements and I was "about" there. The spacing is a lot more clearer now.
Thank you.