Hi-Safe cant recognize Board ID

After starting Hi-Safe I get the following Error:"Can't recognize board ID:". This is on a freshly set up Board with nothing installed but UpBoard Drivers and Hi-Safe.
Please check the installed version , which may resolve your problem .
try with different versions. it will work .
i have faced same issue. -
What’s Hi-Safe version you use ? which websit do you download to get this ?
Did you install aaeonFramework driver on your UP ?
The Hi-safe only support for System Information, H/W Monitor and Dio features for UP board -
I installed the newest Version from http://www.aaeon.com/en/ac/aaeon-hi-safe.
aaeonFramework was installed before installing HiSafe -
I am using UP2 with Win10 Pro Intel Pentium and have the same problem as stated above ("can't recognize board id") using Hi-Safe Ver 1.2016.08.01. The message changes to "Can't initialize the Application FFFFF0FF" and afterwards followed by "This board is not supported. Please contact with service window" using Hi-Safe Ver 2.2016.07.01. aaeonFramework service driver date is 08/11/2017.
Running the demo SDK DIO gives "Can't read DIO 3/5/7/8 value: Hardware not ready. Please check BIOS settings".
Can anybody help with that issue? Seems like I don't have a working combination of Board/aaeonFramework/Hi-Safe...
O -
Short Update,
changed all the GPIO Settings in BIOS. Now the SDK DIO sample application is running without errors
Unfortunately, Hi-Save is still not running in both versions.
Any ideas what the reason could be? -
I'm getting a similar issue with my UP2. I had managed to get the sdk dio and my own code to work on my UP board but when I've moved over to the UP2 I get "Can't initialize the Application FFFFF0FF" then other messages saying it can't get / set the IO pins. I have changed the HAT settings in BIOS V3.3 so that all the SPI, I2C etc. are disabled and the GPIO are all input apart from the one pin that I am using as an output.
I have tried various versions of the Hi-safe framework, the one that I have working on the UP board is v2_20170314. I have downloaded 20170913 but there is only cpp examples and there only seems to be the x86 aaeonEAPI.dll where as the previous version had c# examples and both the x86 and x64 variants of the dll and I need the x64 variant.
I also tried using the aaeonEAPI.dll dated 11/08/2017 that comes with the c# dio example v20171031 but the dio and my own code abort without any warning as soon as they run.
Any ideas of what version of the Hi-safe framework I should be using to get my project working?
@rogertsai(AAEON) said:
please try to use the Hi-Safe v2 as below
UP-Board aaeonFrameworkHello, the links have expired, can you please refresh them, or better still, please add these files to the downloads section.
Roland -
@RolandP said:
@rogertsai(AAEON) said:
please try to use the Hi-Safe v2 as below
UP-Board aaeonFrameworkHello, the links have expired, can you please refresh them, or better still, please add these files to the downloads section.
RolandClick on the link below to download. There are three functions supported, System Information, H/W Monitor and DIO.
Hi-Safe_v2_20180522 -
@OH said:
Short Update,
changed all the GPIO Settings in BIOS. Now the SDK DIO sample application is running without errors
Unfortunately, Hi-Save is still not running in both versions.
Any ideas what the reason could be?Hi OH, My i know what are the changes you made in bios? I'm new using upboard and currently trying to find a way to use the GPIO,
Thanks in advance