The board doesn't work.

Dirk Wouters
New Member Posts: 1 ✭
I got the board (UP² Pentium Ultra Starter Package) now. But unfortunately I don't get any display on the screen. The blue LED lights up and the two yellow LEDs of the network interfaces flicker (it doesn't matter if a cable is connected or not). That's all that happens. It also does not boot from a USB stick and the screen does not notice that a device is connected.
What now?
What now?
Same problem here (UP² Pentium Ultra Starter Package). Got it last friday, installed Windows 10 and it worked fine. Yesterday I shut down the OS and today, when I pluged in the power supply, the blue power led lights up and the orange leds from the network connectors lights up too and flicker some times. No signal on hdmi. What can I do to fix this?
Same problem here, but I found a soloution here:
Simply unscrew the heatsink a little bit, and it should work.