Unable to get any output from the HDMI

New Member Posts: 6 ✭
I have been trying to setup my UP2 following the quick start guide. I have installed a Windows 10 bootable USB drive, connected a USB keyboard and mouse, connected the supplied HDMI cable to the UP2 and a monitor, and connected the power supply to the UP2 and switched on.
I then waited for the UP BIOS logo for over 30 minutes without any sign of any output. I then switched off the power and changed the HDMI cable and switched the power back on and again waited for the BIOS logo to appear to no avail. I also tried a different display without any luck.
Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Any help would be gratefully received.
I then waited for the UP BIOS logo for over 30 minutes without any sign of any output. I then switched off the power and changed the HDMI cable and switched the power back on and again waited for the BIOS logo to appear to no avail. I also tried a different display without any luck.
Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Any help would be gratefully received.
Do you see the blue LED is on ?
I discovered it was the brass standoffs shorting something. I'm going to have to get some nylon standoffs or 3D print some.
Has anyone else experienced this problem, as perhaps it is something which requires further investigation?
I think there are a few UPs users with the same problem as I found the answer on this forum post:https://up-community.org/forum/general-discussion-up2/2179-up-2-no-signal-either-display-port#5930