Microsoft Kinect v2

New Member Posts: 1 ✭
in Peripherals
Has anyone tried using the Microsoft Kinect v2 (Xbox one) sensor with the UP Board? I'm currently looking for a computer for my robotics project, I need the kinect v2 sensor to work with either linux/libfreenect or windows/Kinect SDK and provide at least 15FPS depth readings.
Has anyone tried using the Microsoft Kinect v2 (Xbox one) sensor with the UP Board? I'm currently looking for a computer for my robotics project, I need the kinect v2 sensor to work with either linux/libfreenect or windows/Kinect SDK and provide at least 15FPS depth readings.
Hello. I was able to connect the Kinect v2 to UP board with libfreenect. You can see the video on my site
Hi, i'm very interested in connecting the kinect v2 to the UP board.
I see your post and it's amazing!
which UP board do you use? 2Gb of RAM? and at which frame rate the kinect can work (using only the depth stream), it goes at 30Hz or slower?
Thanks in advance
Paolo -
I followed your blog page and left a comment. It looked like it all worked without error, but i can't get cl based depthprocessing or registration running...
Was thinking about started over tomorrow and capturing a log of the entire process from bare 16.04.
would love to collaborate and get this working so we can share the info with everyone. otherwise my up is for sale and I'll get a jetson. would prefer to run this on x64 intel. -
Did you ever find an example of someone using the kinect sdk on the upboard? We would like to use windows if possible for our project.
Dan -
Hi dancoen, some mounth ago i've tried "UP board + Windows 10 + kinect V2 sdk" and it works without problems. the frame rate was 15 Hz (the same using libfreenect).