GPIO Windows 10 C# .NET

New Member Posts: 4 ✭
can someone tell me please how can i use GPIO on up board with C#? I'm programming a win form application on Windows 10 (not IoT).
In this forum i found this SDK:
but it wrote in C++
Thanks in advance!
can someone tell me please how can i use GPIO on up board with C#? I'm programming a win form application on Windows 10 (not IoT).
In this forum i found this SDK:
but it wrote in C++
Thanks in advance!
If i try to run the Dio SDK it cannot open AaeonIo library so it returns false:
m_hDio = aaeonioOpen(); if(m_hDio == NULL) { AfxMessageBox( _T("It Cannot Open Library!!"), MB_ICONSTOP ); return FALSE; }
Someone know what is the problem?
Thanks! -
Updating the bios should fix the problem.