USB3 OTG not detecting Intel RealSense camera

HL Kon
New Member Posts: 3 ✭
in Peripherals
I just received my UPBoard for a robotic project. I am connecting an Intel RealSense camera to the USB3 OTG port and I have installed Ubuntu 14.04 with 4.44 kernel.
However, I find that the UPboard is not detecting the Intel RealSense camera. Typing 'lsusb' does not show the camera in the list of peripheral connected to USB port.
The RealSense camera is confirmed working on another machine running Win10 with Intel RealSense SDK.
I am using a USB3 OTG Type A female to Micro USB3 Type B Male adapter to connect to the RealSense camera.
I would like to know if anyone else is also having this issue with their UPBoard?
I just received my UPBoard for a robotic project. I am connecting an Intel RealSense camera to the USB3 OTG port and I have installed Ubuntu 14.04 with 4.44 kernel.
However, I find that the UPboard is not detecting the Intel RealSense camera. Typing 'lsusb' does not show the camera in the list of peripheral connected to USB port.
The RealSense camera is confirmed working on another machine running Win10 with Intel RealSense SDK.
I am using a USB3 OTG Type A female to Micro USB3 Type B Male adapter to connect to the RealSense camera.
I would like to know if anyone else is also having this issue with their UPBoard?
Hi hlkon,
Some USB3.0 OTG may cause not work properly. On our side we used the RealSense camera with a micro USB3.0 to USB3.0 Type-A male cable (without OTG adapters).
Also please note that due to detection issues on the micro USB3.0 port, I would recommend to connect the camera before the board power-on -
Hello Hlkon,
Have you downloaded, built, and installed the librealsense package?
If so, make sure you have done the following with the camera disconnected from the directory you built librealsense from:sudo modprobe -r uvcvideo sudo cp config/99-realsense-libusb.rules /etc/udev/rules.d/ sudo udevadm control --reload-rules udevadm trigger
Plug in the RealSense unit after that and see if that makes a difference. -
I tried as suggested but still not working! when I connect the board, the lsusb does not show how the realsense is detected. not sure what to do. it seems the realsense is not getting power as there is no red light indicator. is there any different in upboard for robotic development with realsense vs a regular one?
Hi drlohwk,
There is no difference other than the active heatsink available on the UP Board included in the RDK.
You should use the Ubuntu Kernel we provide which includes the necessary changes to detect and use the RealSense camera.
More info from our wiki:
Also we are going to release soon also a 4.4 kernel version for Trusty, which will include also audio support for Ubuntu too. -
I am unable to run
Intel Realsense.
Everything is installed correctly.
Instuction followed exactly
The terminal said something similar to
no plugged realsense.
It's been two weeks that I work to make it work without result.
Here, Jean-Sebastien
P.S. The R200 camera works perfectly
on another device under win10 64 bits. -
Hi Jean,
I removed the other post you opened as it is a duplicate of this one.
Please advice if your Ubuntu 14.04 or 16.04 system works fine without the RealSense camera and if you have installed the 4.4 UP Board kernel available from our PPA repository: -
Hi, Ubuntu 14.04.04 works very well
Kernel 4.4
4.2.0-3-upboard is OK but Intel Realsense not reconised.
not connected Intel realsense or camera not connected, i don't remember
All steps
were made perfectly
Thank, JS -
what kernel version shows when you type "uname -a" from the command line?
can you please copy the exact result output of that command? (4.4.0-1-upboard or something else?)
Thanks -
4.4.0-040400-generic 201601101930
4.4.0-040400 générique 201601101930
excuse me i have very difficult in english -
it's ok for informations?
It's complicated answer quickly.
I have to change HDMI out
to see information about the UP board
I apologize -
it is ok now and it shows that you are running a default ubuntu kernel which does not support the RealSense camera.
Please add the UP Board ppa from here (if not done already):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubilinux/up
sudo apt-get update
Then install the upboard 4.4 kernel:
sudo apt-get install linux-upboard
Then follow the instructions from our wiki to remove the generic ubuntu kernel (the system will boot from the UP Board kernel at the next reboot):
sudo apt-get autoremove --purge 'linux-.*generic'
After reboot, you can verify you are running an UP Board kernel running "uname -a"
You should now be able to use the RealSense camera. -
no such file or directory
no fonction -
if i write uname -r
4.3.02 upboard
it's no good?
is it possible
delete ubuntu for a new installation?
Start again from the beggining -
Please add https:// before the address.
You can follow these simple instructions.
to add the repository, from the terminal, you should run the command:sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubilinux/up
and then run:sudo apt-get update
now you can install the UP Board kernel:sudo apt-get install linux-upboard
In the end you can remove the generic kernels previously installed:sudo apt-get autoremove --purge 'linux-.*generic'
Now reboot and the system should new use the new kernel -
thank you for your help
i go to the bed
is 6:00AM
I am currently ineffective
I have taken note of your answers
I resumed all this awakening
I'll erase Ubuntu
and start over tomorrow