ubi 3.0 install failing on network

Robert Shelton
New Member Posts: 110 ✭
I'm moving this issue to a new thread so it doesn't get lost under a CR3 related topic/header. I downloaded Ubilinux 3.0 this morning. Created a bootable usb drive using rufus. My install runs to the point of detecting network hardware, then fails. I have retried detection; and also restarted the installation from scratch. Same problem occurs. The right hand led on the RJ45 is flashing amber/yellow. The left side led starts out greed when I first plug in the cable, but changes to/stays solid amber once detection starts. Power supply is one of the Up 5v3a units. The CR3-related topic indicated that this should have been fixed with the 3.0 release. Any guidance on what to do next?
Here is a screen shot of the detect network hardware error dialogue described in my post.
This is a screen shot of an error message stream that I see each time I boot any of my up boards for o/s installation. I doubt these are related to the problem I've reported in this thread, but want to be thorough. Are others seeing this error stream? Are these related to existing partitions on the eMMC? I ask bc I worked my way to the partitioning step (by skipping the network steps and seeing if I could make any progress); and encountered dialogues that asked about BIOS boot and existing partitions. If anyone could explain these errors and also point me to docs about existing partitions / BIOS config, I'd appreciate that. I'm not sure how to make the right partitioning choices with the limited knowledge I have now.
Here is a screen shot of another, probably unrelated error that I encounter during every install process. It just seems odd to me that the "cd rom" (i.e. my usb thumb drive) would be ejected by the installer, due to no action of my own. Any explanation would be helpful, although this is no show stopper. I can pull and reinsert the thumb drive... and installation proceeds evidently without any harm done.
Just for grins, I inserted the usb WiFi module that was included in my Up package. Same error message, but the green light on the top of the module illuminates and stays on. So all indications are that the network devices have correct power and are on. That's where life got "interesting". Leaving the Up powered on and running the installation program, I removed the WiFi adapter. Then I retried the hardware detection step on the theory that thoroughness = testing all possible combinations. This time, with the RJ45 still plugged in to the switch as it had been, but with no WiFi module, the installation program successfully detected the wired network hardware. I am now at the hostname creation dialogue. More to follow!
Success! Up-01 is configured and operational. Next unit will be configured by starting with the wired and wireless NICs installed, then pulling the WiFi and continuing. Will report if that succeeds.
Up team: In case it's helpful to track down firmware versions, manufacturing versions, etc.., unit 1 s/n is 16404602. Unit 2 will be s/n 1640-4957. I have a half-dozen units to configure, so post any s/n's that show different behavior than the above. -
Working on Up-02. Started with both wired and wifi hardware. Had to pull/reinstall the "cd rom" (usb drive) as previously reported. Received the expected network hardware detection failure dialogue. Unplugged the wifi. Selected to repeat detection. Configuration proceeded to detect and configure the wired lan immediately - no further errors. Moving onward in this config as with the 01 unit previously.
Tried a different sequence when configuring 03. I left out the wifi so it would be easier to pull and reinstall the usb thumb drive (all 4 usb slots filled bc I have wired keyboard and mouse as well). When I hit the network detect failure, I installed the wifi dongle. After a bit, the green lights came on; but the installer seemed to hang at that point. I waited a few minutes, then pulled the wifi dongle. The installer started right up with detection of the wired network. I'm now at the hostname dialogue on 03. Hopefully these data points will help track down the cause of this error.
Configuring unit 04. This one was the first that I received of the lot. Was configured using the credit-card usb device that Up supplied. So this was a re-install over an earlier o/s version. I changed the boot options, saved, and started thru the install process using the same procedure and equipment as above. Got to the network hardware detect failure. Was half paying attention, so I think I had not inserted the wifi dongle when I started this unit. I plugged in the wifi, selected the redetection option, waited for the unit to hang as in one of my previous posts. Instead I am looking at a wireless network selection dialogue! I chose to skip this step (go back), and noted the redetect dialogue said "detecting eth0", which should be the wired LAN. Again, the wireless dialogue. Pulled the wifi dongle and reran detection. This time the "detecting eth0" dialogue actually detected the wired network. IMO this part of the installation process would benefit from a bit of attention.
Some thoughts on your posts:
[li]The initial 'warnings' on the emmc (invalid arguments) are there because the eMMC is formatted and the installer tries to mount them to see whtat's on them probably with all filesystems it know about, perhaps the emmc isn't even properly formatted, I recall seeing those to and I'd say those are safe to ignore.[/li]
[li]The ethernet and thumb drive behavior is indeed looking odd, what might help you is trying to swith tty's (ctrl+alt+f1 ctrl+atl+f2 ...) this could give you accss to a limited console with a busybox shell, or even more detailed logfiles, this might give a clue what is going on. You could log in these and examine dmesg, or see with ifconfig/ip (if installed) what the state of the ethernet driver is. [/li]
[li] Also the fact that it states the 'cd-rom' is gone is a really odd sign, when I see things like that I would say it looks like either corruption on your usb stick or an unstable usb link (e.g. device got re-enumerated, ...) also there dmesg might give you a hint.[/li]
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The eMMC warnings are for the reason mentioned by ElieDeBrauwer.
Please make sure you have downloaded the latest ubilinux and also that you are using USB2.0 for the installation and WiFi. Also please try a differend USB stick for your installer.