Cannot install any OS

Thomas Mueller
Thomas Mueller New Member Posts: 3

I was one of our backers and till now I had no time to try my new up board.
Today I booted the up for the first time ;)

OK, there is no OS preinstalled so I checked the download section of the UP page and started downloading the latest ubilinux.

After that I burned it (like described) with rufus to an USB drive.
So, give power to the UP and press F7... Great USB drive was recognized. After selecting USB drive and pressing ok, I just get an black screen (The blue led is turned on, no blinking).

OK, so I tried three different USB drives and different operating systems (Ubuntu, Windows 10, Android), and everytime it's the same black screen. Nothing happens at all.

So the question is what's the problem? Is it me????

Because I don't have a suitable power supply I power the UP via Pins (2 for 5v and 6 for ground) with a 5V 10A supply.

Please help me, so I can also use this pretty little device.

Thanks in advance.


  • Henk Ringersma
    Henk Ringersma New Member Posts: 15
    As i had similar initial issues (installing Win10), so here are my suggestions:
    I wonder for what reason you press F7 ... I think there is no need to do.

    There can be few reasons why the screen stays black
    1 incorrect powersupply
    2. the BIOS finds that the USB stick is no good to use
    3. your monitor does not accept the HDMI signal of the BIOS

    Powersupply: i suppose your powersupply is OK as the blue led is on (it should not blink)
    USBstick: you can try to recreate the USB stick with Rufus "GPT partition scheme" instead of "MBT partition scheme" or vice versa (i had to use either setting on different brands of USB stick)
    HDMI: i did not see the BLUE UP logo because my HDMI TVset did not match the signals from the UPboard, so i used a cheap HDMI-VGA convertor cable .
    If you do not have such cable (or an HDMI-DVI cable) try another HDMI monitor.
    If all is well the blue UP logo should appear within 10 seconds. Then sit back and wait for the Windows 10 installer to start.
  • DCleri
    DCleri Administrator, AAEON Posts: 1,213 admin
    Hi YoBnEb,

    For the installation process I would suggest to source a standard 5V 3A/4A power supply to connect directly to the power plug on the UP board
  • steve
    steve New Member Posts: 3
    edited 2016 25
    Dear staff
    Because i am working on a robot project and can't connect the board to a power supply on the wall.
    So, For the debug process, we are using a DC power supply, the standard voltage output is 5V, max current output is 5A. but i can read the current from LED screen of my DC power supply, the number is around 1A.
    In this circumstance(DC power supply, not battery), after i installed the ubuntu 14.04, the board can't load OS correctly and in the loading process, the blue light go off.
    If the problem is caused by power supply, why install process is good and how could i fix this problem?

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