[ EDK ] [ UEFI_APPLICATION ] Add I2c DXE driver

cuongdv17 New Member Posts: 3

Hi All,

I'm working on the Up Xtreme board and have some questions that need your help.
I added the I2C DXE driver to my project (UEFI_APPLICATION) following: https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/blob/master/MdeModulePkg/Bus/I2c/I2cDxe
InitializeI2c was successful but I2cHostDriverStart and I2cHostDriverSupported returned "UNSUPPORTED".
I also try to call LocateHandleBuffer but the return status is "NOT FOUND", DeviceHandleCount and DeviceHandleBuffer equal 0.
I want to know if the Up Xtreme board can support this or not.
If the Up Xtreme board supports it, have anything I'm missing or need to set up before deploying it?

If you have any ideas to resolve the issue or any information please share them with me.
Thank you very much!


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