Serial Communication via UART

I’m trying to boot a Type 1 Hypervisor on the Upboard v2 Edge and am trying to use the serial console to read data (eventually going to a headless setup); I have attempted to utilize the RS-232 COM port that is broken out on the board, but I am not getting any usable information, nor the ability to input anything on the serial connection. The datasheet mentions that there is a UART0 and UART1; which (if either) is used to connect to the serial console? Furthermore, what is connected to the RS-232 COM port that is broken out on the case?
Hi Sir
Could you please provide me more information??
Which OS do you use, Windows 10 or Linux??
Version is??Best Regards,
Harry Chiu -
Hello Harry,
We are operating on Ubuntu 20.04; it looks like the external COM port is connected to UART2, but I'm not sure how to output this UART to a screen terminal session using PuTTy.
Carter -
At this point, we are able to view the GRUB boot menu and the BIOS using the broken out UART0 on the 10-pin wafer; however, it is not possible to view serial output on UART0 after booting Ubuntu, which prevents us from utilizing the board for our purpose. Any ideas?
Hi Sir
Could you please provide the version of bios??
Best Regards,
Harry Chiu -
Hi Sir
I reproduced your problem with minicom and solved it.
Please modify the setting of bios.advance > HSUART > Windows UART Sub Device Report
Set to disable, and try again.
Best Regards,
Harry Chiu -
Hi Harry,
This seems to work in the short term, I was able to get output on my terminal window and interface with the board remotely. For future reference, does this support I/O port serial devices, or just MMIO?
Hi Sir
To modify the settings of bios "Windows UART Sub Device Report" is depends on your OS.
Enable this option is for windows.
Linux does not have devices manager like windows.
It will be an unknown device in Linux and occupy ttyS4.Best Regards,
Harry Chiu -
I suppose I may have worded my question poorly; I was asking if there was any way to configure the serial ports to utilize the legacy configuration (0x3F8, etc.), rather than the mmio ports that it currently has.
Hi Sir
You can use it after disabling "Windows UART Sub Device Report"
Best Regards,
Harry Chiu