Up Squared 7000 pro edge c# gpio

Dock New Member Posts: 1


I just purchased this pc hoping it would be easy to trigger gpio but I have to say I am lost in posts suggesting aaeoneapidll with wrapper, others suggest upbridge.dll etc

A lot of posts suggest changing Bios settings to choose windows 10 iot OS but I don't have this setting in Bios. Bios is latest version.

Followed this tutorial below but can't load library

Maybe squared pro 7000 is not compatible with this dll

OS is windows 10 Pro.

I can't even compile samples for UWP (which I can't use anyway cos our app is web site c# core 5) that on certain condition have to trigger gpio with siren.

Could someone point me in right direction?

Which drivers, what dll to use, which exported functions to import with wrapper.

I would be grateful for any help



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