7zipdll-dll error

NovaGrace0099 New Member Posts: 1

Hello everyone,
Since a few days i am getting an error message stating 7zipdll-dll is missing while opening an app, I did download 7zipdll-dll error using the given link but can someone help me how to install it, It will be so nice if i could get rid of this issue.
Thanks in advance,
Nova Grace


  • HarryChiu
    HarryChiu New Member Posts: 186 ✭✭✭

    Hi Madam

    It might be an issue of 7-zip itself.
    You could try to find key word "7zipdll-dll error" or reinstall 7-zip to solve this problem.

    If this also couldn't work, please contact 7-zip for further technical assistance.

    Best Regards,
    Harry Chiu

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