Problem with BIOS for SPI clock

I have a UP 4000 and had a problem generating a clock signal for SPI communication. I saw this post :
and it worked, my clock was working after putting the pin16 to output instead of input in my BIOS. has that issues been resolved in a more recent BIOS or is this issue still existing? and if not, how could I do to put the pin in output without having to go in my BIOS, because each time I reboot my board, the pin is set back to input again
also I dont understand which is the corresponding GPIO for the pin 16
in my BIOS I had to change GPIO19 (pin16) for the clock to work. but if want to change the direction of that pin with command lines I must do
echo XX > /sys/class/gpio/export
echo out > /sys/class/gpio/gpioXX/directionbut I have no idea what number to take, 16, or 19 as in the bios, or a corresponding number where 16 is in the pinout image. gpio19 is not even associated with pin16 in the image
Hi Sir
We discoverd this issue before and solved with bios update.
Please check your bios version.If your board set the bios to default when reboot , please check your RTC battery.
Please refer to the page and try again
Make sure you have installed the Up Pinctrl Driver Regards,
Harry Chiu -
Hi sir,
thank you for your help, but I have an UP4000 board with the latest BIOS installed and I have the problem is still present, my pin is set back to input randomly every one one three time I reboot or shutdown.
here is my BIOS info:
# dmidecode 3.1 Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs. SMBIOS 3.0.0 present. Table at 0x79DE3000. Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 24 bytes BIOS Information Vendor: American Megatrends Inc. Version: UPAPBM11 Release Date: 07/01/2022
and the latest BIOS to download on is the same version.
am I missing something?
Hi Sir,
Please find the attachment to update your BIOS.
We will upload the latest Bios immediately.
Sorry for the inconvenience.Best Regards,
Harry Chiu -
Hi sir,
I installed the new BIOS you gave me with the tutorial on the wiki. unfortunately it caused some problems.
first of all, you said "We discoverd this issue before and solved with bios update.", but is the issue that fact tat I have to put the pin to output, or the fact that the BIOS resets itself.
Then, the BIOS you gave me duplicated all of the SPI devices and added some i2c devices too.
after installing the new BIOS, doing
i2cdetect -l
andsudo i2cdetect -y -r 0
gave me more i2c ports than before and none of them recognize the i2c sensors that was installed and that were detected before. I also have 2 more SPI nodes by doingls /dev/spi*
/dev/spidev1.0 /dev/spidev1.1 /dev/spidev2.0 /dev/spidev2.1
where spidev2 weren't here before.I am using ubuntu 18.04.
is it possible I did something wrong during the installation? will the added problems be solved if I go back to the previous BIOS version?
thank you for you time,
Alexis Nicolas