UpFramework usage

I've installed the UP sdk found on the downloads website. It shows up in device manager so I assume it was successful. How do I utilize the sdk to write my own programs? I've been looking through the demo apps to get a understanding of what I need to do. They run just fine if I run the apps from the release folder but now I want to write my own. I opened these apps in VS2017 and can't get anything to build. Any advice will be appreciated.
Hi @mrf635
Which app are you build?? If you get error on VS2017,Could you provide screenshot to me,i will check it. -
Building gpioTesttool. Windows 10 Pro. I installed the drivers, installed the Up Framework. I'm getting errors like System.IO.FileNotFoundException on the UpBridge udp declaration. I removed those lines of code since they were not use else where and now I get a exception at GpioController.GetDefault().Pincount() call with a System.NullReferenceException().
Update : I got the pre-built demo app to function but no luck in opening the GPIOtesttool.sln and building it again.
Requested screenshot:
I am not that familiar with Visual studios so if I am missing anything obvious please let me know.
I was able to build these using Visual Studio 2022 and create a package to install on my UP board.please make sure the UP Framework Service is installed correctly. In my case I accidentally installed the AAEON Framework service which is not correct and prevents the UP Framework service from installing. Nothing was able to work and I received the same error as you when running the GPIO tool. After I removed it, the UP framework service was able to install correctly.
In my case the UP Framework ADC and UP Framework LED looked as if they were installed, but LED would still not work correctly. UP Framework Service had an error exclamation on it. After I removed Aaeon Framework Service and restarted, it all started working.