how to enable smbus quick command on my i2c bus?
I want to use a sensor with one of the 2 i2c bus on the 40 pins HAT on the UP4000. but my sensor requires an i2c quick command to start a measurement. basically I need just to send the address of the sensor and the write bit, with no other bytes sent after. but the SMBus Quick Command is not not enabled on the 2 bus. I ran i2cdetect -F 0 and 1 to verify that the 2 bus didn't have this functionality enabled.
I am using c++. I already did the open() and ioctl() calls si Im just showing you the code that wont let me send the quick command.if (write(busNumber, NULL, 0) != 0) { perror("could not ask the humidity sensor to take the measurement"); }
struct i2c_smbus_ioctl_data test; test.read_write = I2C_SMBUS_WRITE; test.command = 0; test.size = I2C_SMBUS_QUICK; = NULL; if (ioctl(busNumber, I2C_SMBUS, &test) < 0) { perror("ioctl error"); }
int the 2 cases I receive an Operation not supported error message, I believe it is because the quick command is not enabled, because doing a write with sending bytes is working.
is there a way that I could enable the quick command on my i2c bus? or that my code could bypass that.
Thank you
Best Answer
every i2c device has their own slave address,
you can try command i2cdetect -y -r i2cbus(0 ~ 3) to detect your i2c device in specific bus,then you can reference i2c-tools source code, the detect function is write slave address to check is there are any ack from i2c bus, the struct should filled as below
//actually no matter read or write because just check has ACK or not
test.read_write = I2C_SMBUS_WRITE;
test.command = 0;
test.size = I2C_SMBUS_BYTE;
//in i2cdetect it's for loop 0x8~0x77 = you slave address;print your error then you will know what error in ioctl call.
Your code worked, but I still don't know why it's the only way to only send the read/write byte. every other methods I tried gave me an Operation not supported error