How do i get Fibocom modem to work on my up4000 boards

Hi Sir,
Please install the complete driver of the 5G module, and then you should be able to connect to the 5G network normally in the lower right corner.
In addition, please provide your BIOS version and the detailed model of the 5G module.
Best Regards,
Wilbert Lee. -
Hi thanks for the reply here is the info. As far as I can tell I installed the drivers. Is there more information on this process.
Hi Sir,
I have tried module I have here, which is also Fibocom, and the model is FM160.
After installing all the drivers, there is no yellow mark under device manager.
The BIOS versions are R1.1 and R1.2, both of which have been tested.
If possible, it is recommended that you reinstall OS first without connecting the 5G Module, and install all the drivers.
First confirm that there is no yellow mark under device manager, and then connect the 5G module and install the 5G driver.Best Regards,
Wilbert Lee -
Thanks for the support. I tried a fresh install with all drivers working before installing the fibocom module but it led to the same result unfortunately. I dont want to spend another 2 weeks trying to get basic functions working. What is the best way to get a board that just works? If i purchase another up4000 with a windows install service will it have all the fibocom driver preinstalled? Also i noticed you said tested with fibocom fm160, would i have to wait for that to show in the store to get a fm160 compatible version vs fm150. Excuse so many questions, your thoughts are greatly appreciated.
Thanks from Meshtastic. -
Hi Sir,
I found an FM150 here. After installing it, it is the same as FM160 without any yellow mark.
It is recommended that you check the driver of the 5G Module.
By the way, the version of the Fibocom driver I use here is V2.1.2.Best Regards,
Wilbert Lee. -
1. changed BIOs setting default
2. new install windows 10
3. installed drivers: chipset,txe,graphics,lan,audio,serial,uart(restart)
4. BIOs changes: hdaudio dsp>disable, usb vbus>off, xdci support>pcimode, os selection>windows
5. shutdown, install FPC cable.
6. install fibocom driver(not work), restart(not work).please let me know any mistake in this process. The file verison looks the same, can you update the downloads page with that driver or send copy to
Hi Sir,
I would like to ask your OS version?
I use Windows 10 21H1 here, the BIOS settings and installation sequence are the same as yours, and this problem does not happened.
If our OS version are the same, but not the same situation, I will infer that it is a hardware problem. Do you have other motherboards or 5G modules that can be tested?
Best Regards,
Wilbert Lee. -
i was running custom ISO the first time, then i tried 22h2 off official site. Now tried 21H1 on two different boards as you mentioned. Can you show a screenshot with these screens. Network Connection, System, Programs, and Device Manager>View>device by connection. I feel like i must be missing something obvious.
Hi Sir,
I see on the picture that you have two boards, is it the same phenomenon on both?
Are the two 5G modules the same phenomenon?
I have tested several times here and replaced several sets of boards, but I have not encountered the same problem.
Since the M.2 riser card has been shipped for a while, this is the first time we have encountered this problem. We hope to help clarify the root cause so that future customers will not encounter the same problem.If the root cause cannot be determined after clarification, I suggest you report the problem and RMA will assist you to confirm whether there is a hardware problem on our mainboard and carrier board.
Best Regards,
Wilbert Lee. -
Yes, the same issue on both as i have shown. I dont spot any difference from our screenshots, so it must be damaged hardware. We have ordered another board to confirm if a brand new board faults under the same setup process.