mraa on up4000

My mraa won't work.
Apparently according to , a new new kernel would be needed ? (I have the "up" 5.4 kernel, on my unbuntu 20.04
When I try to list the pins, it says "No pins"
What can I do ?
if you are using official mraa from Github with our up 5.4 kernel, you have add the UP4000 board name "UP-APL03" into src/x86/x86.c aselse if (strncasecmp(line, "UP-APL03", strlen("UP-APL03") + 1) == 0) {
platform_type = MRAA_UP2;
plat = mraa_up2_board();
} -
I can see 2 mraa. one from up division ( and one from eclypse.( which one works on a 5.4 "up" kernel (on a 20.04 ubuntu)
I'll try the eclypse one since you are talking about "official". -
It didnt work, using the eclypse mraa, it compiled well thow, and installed well.
(mkdir build, cd build, cmake .., make, make install)mraa-gpio list
No pins
I used this , enhanced x86.c with this , budt mraa is still not working on my UP4000 .
I still see onlymraa-gpio version
Version v2.2.0 on Unknown platformas well as
mraa-gpio list
No PinsI am confused, is there clear step by step manual how to get mraa running on UP4000/Ubuntu 20.04 from "clear" board with "kernel 5.4.0 from PPA" installed from this instruction : idea how to get it run ?
Thanx. -
I ensured again that there is something not clear with mraa on UP4000/Ubuntu platform...
- I unpacked new , clean UP4000 from box.
- I installed there clean Ubuntu20.04.
- Then I followed instructions on UP wiki and replaced kernel with 5.4.0 ( link is in previous comment ).
- Restarted board, everything went without issue.
- Then I clone mraa-master from git and updated src/x86/x86 as @garyw sugested, installed cmake, build-essential and so on... and compiled mraa.
- Then I install it. Its all.
still same issue :
mraa-gpio version
Version v2.2.0 on Unknown platformmraa-gpio list
No PinsCan someone please confirm that mraa is running on UP4000/Ububtu , and give instructions how to get mraa running on "clean unpacked" UP4000 ?
we are switching to new pinctrl driver, if you don't need customization kernel (UP kernel 5.4),
you can refer below comment I provide to other user. it's suitable for UP 4000 too.
@Lubo said:
@garyw said:
@KrissNC doodle cricket
if you are using official mraa from Github with our up 5.4 kernel, you have add the UP4000 board name "UP-APL03" into src/x86/x86.c asI am confused, is there clear step by step manual how to get mraa running on UP4000/Ubuntu 20.04 from "clear" board with "kernel 5.4.0 from PPA" installed from this instruction : idea how to get it run ?
Thanx.Have any updates here?
@seekborrow said:
@Lubo said:
@garyw said:
@KrissNC doodle cricket
if you are using official mraa from Github with our up 5.4 kernel, you have add the UP4000 board name "UP-APL03" into src/x86/x86.c asI am confused, is there clear step by step manual how to get mraa running on UP4000/Ubuntu 20.04 from "clear" board with "kernel 5.4.0 from PPA" installed from this instruction : idea how to get it run ?
Thanx.Have any updates here?
Yes, as was already mentioned by garyw, you have to install new pinctrl driver.
install UP HAT pinctrl-upboard driver