Does anyone know how to use the UART connection on the UP Xtreme i11?

New Member Posts: 5 ✭
The User's Manual for the i11 shows a UART connection on CN11. up_xtreme_i11_upx-tgl01_manual_1st_ed_0615_1.pdf
, section 2.3.9.
Pins 8, 9 and 10 of that connector are GND, UART_TX and UART_RX.
But I can't find out much about that connection. Is it a standard serial port I can use? Do I need a level shifter in order to connect it to an RS232 device, and if so is it 3.3V or 5V?
Best Answer
UART and RS232 are not the same. The i11 's CN11 that outputs UART using 0 ~ 3.3V TTL level.
So, you'll need a UART to RS232 converter.
More information about RS232. FYI.
RS232 Protocol – Basics