Unable to login to new UP Squared AI Edge X using “upsquared”, contrary to instructions.
I am trying to set up my new UP Squared AI Edge X. Once the Edge X has completed booting the screen displays a username “devkit”. If I select devkit I am asked to enter a password but no matter what I try I can not login successfully.* The following have not worked: upsquared, intel, ubuntu, edge, admin, root, and password. I entered terminal mode but could not find a way to change the login for the GUI. The UP Squared documentation specifies using “upsquared” for the username and password but this did not work. I would appreciate any advice to allow me to login and then to replace devkit with my login credentials. Many thanks.
*A photo of the login display:
Best Answers
Hi @jpsmith8488,
Please try devkit, it should work.
Hi @jpsmith8488 ,
I meant earlier to try for the username "devkit", the password "devkit". Did you try it ?
Success! Thank you Camillus, that solved the login issue. I appreciate your willingness to offer help to those of us who are bewildered.
Hi Camillus,
Thank you for trying to help me but the combination of the Ubuntu username “devkit” and password “upsquared” did not grant me access. I tried rebooting then pressing “esc” as soon I saw the “Up2 Bridge the Gap” to try to get to the root shell but the system asked for a password and here too “upsquared” failed. I would appreciate any additional suggestions you might have.
Justin -
Note: I also tried ctrl-alt-F4 to try to reach the boot menu. The Ubuntu login screen changed to show:
I tried username “upsquared” and password “upsquared” without success.
Many thanks for any advice.