Control GPIO simultanenously

New Member Posts: 2 ✭
I have an Up Square 6000 kit which comes with 40pin connector like that on Raspberry Pi.
My project need to use GPIO(s) to control RBG LED matrix.
However, I find that using GPIO sysfs is too slow for this.
I am wondering if there is a way many GPIO can be controlled/output simultaneously?
Basically bypassing the whole GPIO sysfs mechanism.
Can this be done?
If can, how ?
Looking earnestly for any help that may be granted.
Thanks in advance.
You can try the newer GPIO API of the kernel with libgpiod.Here are some articles about it:
@rreignier said:
You can try the newer GPIO API of the kernel with libgpiod.
Here are some articles about it:Thanks for the link, Learned more from video tutorials from there,