Which variant of STM32 on PlatformIO with UP Xtreme

I'm trying to use the HardwareTimer Library by stm32duino on the integrated STM32 of the UpBoard Xtreme i7, to generate a PWM signal. Unfortunately the proposed board variant to use in PlatformIO is a bluepill board (https://github.com/up-board/up-communit ... Xtreme_MCU) which does not seem to be correct, as they have different external oscillator frequencies and therefore the HardwareTimer Library outputs a PWM signal with a wrong frequency e.g. duty cycle. To fix this I would have to define a new board variant according to this discussion here (https://www.stm32duino.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=1515&p=9724#p9724) . I was wondering if something like this already exists and if someone had the same issue before? Or if somebody more experienced could explain to me how to exactly define a new board variant.
Thanks in advance!
Hello @mrubio
Sorry for the problem you have encountered.
There was a mistake in the documentation (where early version of the board used a 12MHz oscillator), but we have now updated the tutorial to use the right settings: https://github.com/up-board/up-community/wiki/Pinout_Xtreme_MCU#platformio-projects
You won't need a variant as it is the same as a Bluepill
Please let me know if it works for you.