Using Pi Accessories on UP Board

Hey all,
Stupid question-- is there a straightforward way to tweak Python modules/libraries for Raspberry Pi accessories so they're compatible with the UP Board? I was able get get some relay boards working by using MRAA and the appropriate MRAA numbering, but other serial-based relay boards and things like a PiJuice elude me.
Any pointers?
as it turns out, i2cdetect and some patience was sufficient to get the PiJuice working. However, I can't find the Sequent Microsystems relay board even though it should be there somewhere. The PiJuice was just there (meaning visible on i2cdetect) from the beginning, while I noticed that even on a Pi the Sequent relay board wasn't there until you polled it with Python or something.
Is that expected? Any way to force something to be visible? Other tips?