GPIO pull up and interrupt not working

dirk_dedeur New Member Posts: 6

I managed to set up my device. GPIO asan output working perfectly. Input seems to be reading, but i don't think the pull up or pull down is working. The same for the interrupts on the inputs. The valuechanged event is not triggered. Could anuone allready use these possibilities on the up squared board?


  • camillus
    camillus AAEON Posts: 188 mod

    Hi @dirk_dedeur ,

    Can you share the setup for the interrupt test? We have a guide on the wiki that you can follow to verify this. This sets up an interrupt service that checks for an EDGE_RISING on a specified pin, connect a button to the PIN to test like in the image below (without the LED)

  • dirk_dedeur
    dirk_dedeur New Member Posts: 6

    Hello Camillus, thanks for your reply. Your example is python and linux based. I'm using vusual studio UWP apps. This example with the raspberry shows that the input is pulled up by a resistor. If I have this right, then you can pull the input high internally. Maybe I'm wrong. I don't know.
    And the interrupt (valuechanged event) is not respondig at all. I think some modification need to be made within ACPI table, but I have no experience with that at all. Maybe some wizards can help me on the way.

  • GuillaumeD
    GuillaumeD New Member Posts: 8

    Any news ?
    valuechanged is not responding here too.

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