PWM not working correctly with UP2

Hi guys,
I would like to set up a servo motor with my UP2 (the first testing before further, more complex projects).
Environment is Ubuntu 20.04, I'm able to use GPIO functionality from user space. In addition to that, i managed to setup a udev rule for accessing pwm from user space as well ( Latest BIOS version is installed. MRAA library is properly installed like described in -> Here the given example 3 (Fade an LED using hardware PWM) fails!
General (GPIO) functionality is given with pin_32, as working properly with a simple led blink script. Like i mentioned already, I'm not able to give pwm output through pin_32, neither with pin_33
Someones got an idea? Thanks and cheers
Hi @ad_,
Sorry for the earlier miscommunication, I have installed libmraa on 20.04 and replicated the hardware pwm test and it works fine. Please check again your wiring. Or do you see any errors on the console ?
Best regards,
Hi @camillus,
thanks for your quick response! Meanwhile I decided to go a different way, so I didn't check my setup again. My assumption for my problem is that while setting up the UP2 and trying different stuff with it some kernel based things crashed. Maybe it'll work if I'm setting up the UP2 completely new in the future!
Nevertheless, good to hear that your replicated test worked fine, so thanks for your effort!
Thanks and cheers