Drivers for GPIO on Windows 10

I try to make the GPIO working with an UPBoard 4Gb and Windows10 Entreprise 2016 LTSB.
The BIOSversion is 2.1
I manage to install all the drivers from
The three unknown devices are now recognised as AAEON DEV_081C, AAEON_DEV_2288 and AAEON_DEV_2288.
I also have lots of INTEL Serial IO GPIO Controller in the devices.
Here are the devices:
After installing the windows SDK from, i'v got errors while installing, but a UP Framework Service device is present.
here are the errors:
After that, i'm still unable to access to the GPIO.
I am also unable to download hi-safev2 and the hi-safe drivers. Do you have a permanent link? All the links i can find are on dropbox!
Thank you for your help!
The three unknown devices are normal, NO windows drivers for it.
Please refer to the UpGpioTestTool app provided in UpFramework_demo_apps_inst for the GPIO control
UpFramework_demo_apps_inst -
Hi, solved the problem by using the 32bit version of the dll and using the aaeon framework.
The Upboard framework also work, but doesn't provide the 32bit dll. and Hi-Manager/Hi-Safe.rarThanks,