UPC1DM21 BIOS to UPC1D23 CPU Speed .48GHz

I'm running old BIOS UPC1DM21 with windows 10 image and I get 1.67GHz CPU speed. If you use the same windows 10 image on BIOS UPC1DM23 my CPU speed drops down to 48GHz. I've been troubleshooting this for the past couple days, going into registry and changing HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\intelppm to start at 4, but that only boosts my CPU to 1.44GHz. Also BIOS UPC1DM21 can't be found anywhere? Why is that. I can find older versions but not (21) Please advise. Thanks
HI @Phoward ,
We are looking into this issue.
One Question:
- Which Windows 10 version are you using?
Pratik -
Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC
Version: 10.0.17763 Build 17763Thank you Kushwaha. We have purchased over 250 Up boards. The first lot we received has old BIOS (21) and the second lot have (23) you could understand the confusion when we ran into this issue. We thought it was hardware related initially.
I have same problem with BIOS version UPC1DM23 (windows 10 version 1903). CPU speed tuck at 0.48Ghz **after upgrade BIOS
I try to disable CPU tubo boot option in my BIOS and restart Windows, then CPU speed still stuck at **1.44Ghz.
After that, I try to re-enable CPU Tubo boot and restart Windows, CPU speed reach to 1.67Ghz but can't reach to 1.92Ghz in older version BIOS.
Is this a joke? -
Hi @minhtuan99bk ,
This is a known issue that will be addressed in the next BIOS release coming soon. Kindly downgrade to BIOS UPC1DM21. We will update this thread when the new BIOS update for this device is released.
Best Regards,