How to control Neopixel lights with Python (UP Xtreme)
I'm trying to command a WS2812B LED strip using Python.
However when importing the board library I'm met with the following error :NotImplementedError: Board not supported GENERIC_LINUX_PC
I've installed the mraa library as well as Adafruit Python GPIO library and I'm using the adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel package to control the strip.
Any help would be greatly appreciated !
Best Answer
the adafruit-circuitpython-neopixel requires the library which supports only the following platforms:
Unfortunately it cannot work on UP series, unless you try modifying the circuitpython library
Hello @DCleri
Thanks a lot for your answer ! I'll look for another LED strip that's easier to control. Would those operating over i2c work better on the UP series ?
It depends if you are looking for speed, yes, but in general you should make sure the SW support is not limited to a few platforms, but more generic.
As mentioned if the device is supported by a library like MRAA, then you will be able to use it with many different systems.