USB 3 port on Net Plus not working

I noticed that the USB port on my Net Plus only works in HS (USB2) mode, but not in SS (USB3) mode.
When I connect a device that supports both HS and SS (for instance a Belkin USB 3 hub), it only shows up as a USB 2 hub:
If I connect that same hub to one of the 4 USB ports on the main board it is correctly shown as both a USB 2 and a USB 3 hub:
When I connect a device that only supports SS (for instance a Linksys GbE adapter), it shows up fine on one of the USB ports on the main board:
However, it will not appear at all when plugged into the USB port on the Net Plus:
So bottom line, I can't get USB3 to work at all on the Net Plus. I have tried several different UP Xtreme host systems, all with the same results. The UP Xtreme block diagram shows that PCIe lanes 5~9 are routed to the Docking connector, where the Net Plus is attached. WHL EDS also shows that only lanes 1~6 can be configured for USB3:
Furthermore, Device Manager shows that PCIe lanes 6/7/8 are used for the 4 GbE ports:
Therefore, the USB3 port on Net Plus would have to connect to PCIe lane 5 on the chipset if this has any chance of working.
So in conclusion, there are 3 possible explanations for this:
- The USB3 port on the Net Plus does not connect to PCIe lane 5 on the chipset.
- The BIOS on the UP Xtreme does not configure PCIe lane 5 for USB3.
- My Net Plus is simply broken.
I would really like to know if anyone has been able to get USB3 to work on the Net Plus connected to UP Xtreme. If so, that would rule out option 1 and leave options 2 or 3. But if no-one has been able to make this work then option 3 seems less likely and options 1 or 2 are the likely root cause.
Can someone @AAEON offer any clarification as to whether the USB3 port on the Net Plus is connected to PCIe lane 5 on the chipset or not?
Also has anyone (@AAEON or otherwise) been able to get this to work at all?
I'd like to determine whether my Net Plus is defective or is there a design issue that would keep this from working correctly?
Hi @jayman ,
This is a known issue of Net Plus with UP Xtreme. Please also check the compatibility diagram here,
We will get back to you with more updates on this soon.Regarads,
Pratik -
Thanks Pratik!
Compatibility diagram says it's supposed to work though. That's why I'm confused. Appreciate any additional info you can provide.
@Pratik_Kushwaha , just wondering if there was any update on this? Can the USB3 port on Net Plus be made to work with a BIOS update? Or is this a hardware / design issue?
To open the USB3.0 for Net Plus, you will need to change the following BIOS setting
Press Del to enter CRB BIOS settings with password “upassw0rd”
Main --> CRB Setup --> CRB Chipset -->PCH-IO Configuration --> PCI Express configuration --> change "Docking Port Auto Detection" from Enabled to Disabled, and set "Docking Port 5 Mulitifunction Selection" to USB.
Press [F4] key to save configuration and reset. Than the system will show a message "Docking Port configurations Changed, please turn off AC power, then turn On to take effect".Here's the settings
OMG that totally worked! Thank you so much @rogertsai(AAEON)
Really happy we were able to figure this out!