Upboard hangs on reboot
I've installed the new Ubuntu 20.04 with your custom kernel, but noticed that the upboard hangs everytime I reboot it.
I've already tried to add those lines in the blacklist.conf (https://wiki.up-community.org/Ubuntu_20.04#Hang_on_Shutdown_or_Reboot_for_UP_Board), but it doesn't work for me.
What else could I do?
I get this message over and over again:
BUG: soft lockup - CPU#0 stuck for 22s! [systemd-shutdow:1]
Hi Tone,
I'm facing the same issue have you found a solution by any chance?
I've tried that:
but it didn't work.And found an older kernel bug:
But the kernel from aaeon is based on 5.4. so it is already fixed.I've no idea. If I google the log-message it's probably a kernel problem
Here the complete log:
@Laurent DOUCHY: is Ubuntu also your second partition?
It seems to be the blacklist didn't work.
Look at the "RIP" line. dw_dmac_core hangs.But I already updated my blacklist:
blacklist dw_dmac
blacklist dw_dmac_core
install dw_dmac /bin/true
install dw_dmac_core /bin/truedo i need to do anything else to make it update?
After updating the blacklist I had to rebuild the kernel (I think?) withsudo update-initramfs -u
Why isn't this in the Wiki?
I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 with the custom 5.4 kernel, and also needed to edit blacklist.conf as well for rebooting to work properly. However, I did not need to do sudo update-initramfs, just rebooting was enough for the change to take effect.
https://github.com/up-board/up-community/wiki/Ubuntu_18.04#Hang_on_Shutdown_or_Reboot_for_UP_Board -
I'm running Ubuntu 20.04, also with the custom 5.4 kernel, and a reboot was not sufficient for me. Running
sudo update-initramfs -u
solved the problem. Thanks, @Tone. -
That is probably required from Ubuntu 20.04 onwards, we updated the wiki with that step.
Thanks for your input.