Cannot install first linux (lubuntu)

I can't install Linux.
I have a new piece of UP Core 1GB.
I also have an installation flash drive with Lubuntu 18.04 (from which the installation works on another computer and some time ago I used the same installation on another piece of Up Core).
The HUB is connected to the USB and a keyboard, mouse, and flash drive are connected to it.
The keyboard and mouse work.
Once launched, the screen will prompt you to enter a password, and after entering it, you can set up Aptio Setup Utility 2017.
But it never starts loading the OS from the flash drive.
I also tried default settings and disconnecting the RTC battery.
Can you please advise how to install the OS?
Make sure the Lubuntu/Ubuntu Live USB is inserted.
Turn on the system and simply press enter to get into the BIOS and change the boot order under the Boot tab, so the first boot will be USB.
Save and exit and the system will boot from your USB installer.