WEBINAR: Getting Started with Yocto Project on AAEON Embedded AI Boxers, Powered by NVIDIA

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Working with Yocto?
This one-hour training will give you an introduction on how to use Yocto Project with the support recently added for the AAEON Boxers powered by NVIDIA Jetson Nano and NVIDIA Jetson Xavier NX modules.
The webinar will help you to build a highly optimized, efficient, and reliable operating system using the Yocto Project, including how to customize it to fit your needs.
We will be covering:
◆ Introduction of our Yocto meta-layer for AAEON Boxers
◆ The community supported layers and NVIDIA Jetpack SDK
◆ How to start your project using Yocto on NVIDIA platforms
…and more!
- Nov 25, 2020 03:00 PM in Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna (GMT + 2.00)
- Danielle Cleri - Senior AI & IoT Software Architect @ AAEON Europe