Robomaker pro Kit and Hamster SW compatibility

From the UP2 documentation is not clear if Hamster SW runs is compatible with it or not.
It seems from the installation script is for Ubuntu 16.
Is the RoboMakerProkit Hamster SW available for Ubuntu 18 and ROS melodic and working with the UPsquared Robomaker pro kit ?
The installation script is for Bionic (18.04) .
It's clearly stated that the documentation is specific for the Kit which includes the UP Squared and it has been tested on the existing Ubuntu image for the Vision Kit (Ubuntu 18.04 with OpenVINO)
@DCleri said:
The installation script is for Bionic (18.04) .It's clearly stated that the documentation is specific for the Kit which includes the UP Squared and it has been tested on the existing Ubuntu image for the Vision Kit (Ubuntu 18.04 with OpenVINO)
Does this mean that the kit does not work with ROS 2 as advertised, since Ubuntu 20.04 would need to be installed? Where can one get all the source files for the RoboMakerPro drivers?