UP board Ethernet Problem

Hariom New Member Posts: 4

This is Hariom form SS Automation Pvt. Ltd. We are using UP board for our application. So some time UP board Ethernet port in not working, we have faced this issue in 3-4 products. So is it a bug in hardware or there is a way to correct it. If this problem is correctable then let us know and guide us.
Thanks for your product and support.

Thanks and Regards,
Hariom Singh Kushwah


  • DCleri
    DCleri Administrator, AAEON Posts: 1,213 admin

    We have not faced issues on ethernet port on UP Board or received issues report about it.

    In order for us to understand if it is an hardware issue, we would need information about your setup (hardware, software, devices connected, configurations) and the necessary steps to reproduce the issue.

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