
I am a new user with a fairly undocumented project. Can anyone recommend links or downloads as to how to connect to the up^2 board? I am primarily interested in connecting via ssh. Do you use the OTG port? If so, please explain. This is with Ubuntu 18.04
Thank you all!
SSH is used to connect the board via network connection
OTG is the USB port capable of exposing a Serial Console when in device mode. You can find instruction on how to use the USB OTG port in our wiki: you want to connect via SSH, make sure your board is connected to a LAN via Ethernet cable or WiFi, and use one of the many generic tutorials available online:
Thank you!
The instructions and links given by DCleri don't appear to work...I've connected both a usb keyboard and mouse to the OTG ports with no success. All I wan to to do is know how to open a terminal window...(No luck so far). The given links assume a terminal window is available.
I think there is a misunderstanding on what you are trying to do.
OTG functionality is not meant to connect directly a mouse and keyboard but to access/open a serial terminal from another device via USB.
If you connect a keyboard/mouse to a OTG port, it will work as a normal USB so you can see that on your screen.
The links I have provided are to enable a terminal on a remote system using a Serial Console via OTG:
or alternatively
how to open a terminal console via network: information are not specific to our platforms and do not require extra documentation specific for our platform but they are common practice of any linux device.
Can you please clarify what you would like to achieve and what are the connection you would like to use? -
These statements from your post confuse me, they appear to be contradictory:
"... OTG functionality is_ not_ meant to connect directly a mouse and keyboard but to access/open a serial terminal from another device via USB."
"If you connect a keyboard/mouse to a OTG port, it_ will work as a normal_ USB so you can see that on your screen."
I am just attempting to open a terminal window. Ctrl-alt-T is not available to me.... -
a standard USB port includes only Host functionality: you can connect Keyboard, mouse, USB sticks, cameras, etc.
a USB OTG allows to use the port as Host (see above) or device: when acting as device the system (A) becomes a device. it can be connected to another platform (B) which sees the other system (A) as Serial Console, to Storage device, etc.
If that is clear, I believe what you are trying to achieve is simply using Ubuntu and opening a terminal.
Your Keyboard and Mouse need to be connected to a standard USB port (do not use OTG).
I believe that keyboard and mouse worked already during installation.
Once you have booted the system the CTRL+ALT+T should just work and it doesn't depend on our hardware, it is a Ubuntu functionality.
Make sure you use the CTRL and ALT keys on the left of your keyboard.