How to permanently change the board's password in Windows 10 IoT Core?

New Member Posts: 5 ✭
Hello. I can change the administrator password from Powershell or Windows Device Portal but it reverts back to the default when I reboot. Does anyone know how to make this permanent?
Hello jletbetter,
I recently installed Win 10 ioT Core for an UP2 board.With me it shows the same behaviour. I was able to set the password via PowerShell, but it remains set only until the next reboot.
After a reboot the default password is active again.
Friendly greetings
Willi Schneider
Hello Willi, I'm glad I'm not in this alone
Please keep me posted if you find a solution and I will do the same!
Hi there.
Same problem here!
Found any solution??
Thank you!