Xtreme Temperature Rating

During the webinar "What Drives UP to the Xtreme" in January, there was a slide (12:20 in the presentation) that indicated some operating temperature specs might be as low as -20C. That number doesn't match the Fahrenheit specs on the same slide or other documentation, but I'm hoping that might have been a future rating that snuck into the presentation.
Could the board be rated that low? If not, what are the limiting components?
@Justin Huntington Thanks for spotting the wrong conversion in Fahrenheit. In system level, UP Xtreme can be operated in -4°F
to 158°F ( -20~70°C ). In the board level, it will be 32°F to 140°F ( 0~60°C ). In our design experience, low temperature down to -20 °C is not so challenging, most of time, we can do it, we just didn't test or announce it. However, high temperature is the challenge. Most of time, the critical components will be CPU, and LAN chips. In the board level design, wide temperature was not our goal, so we didn't test wide temperature, however, we think it will pass because we choose Intel LAN chip in UP Xtreme. In the system level, we did the stress test to see how it works in wide temperature, and it turned out the super big heatsink chassis helps to dissipate the heat a lot, so we can declare -20-70C. -
Aling, Thank you very much for your detailed response. Our system has sufficient methods to shed the heat, so the upper range is less of an issue. In fact, 60C is our product target. Our challenge is cold starts. I understand you may have not tested that particular environment, but right now our target spec is -20C. Your response gives me confidence to propose testing with the Xtreme. Should you continue to do any further environmental testing, I would hope to hear about it in your product announcements.
Thank you again.