Looking for a board

This is the first time i heard of UP! But i am hunting for about 2 months for a dev kit that has
1) min 4 analog input 0 to 10v
2) min 4 analog output 0 to 10v
3) min 4 digital input
4) min 4 digital output 5vdc and above
5) touch screen support
Does Up board has the above spec or with add on just like Pc104 or arduino shield or Ras pi shiled?
Although I was a BSEE 73' then an IT person, then a Patent Atty. I have dabbled w/ both Rasp-Pi-3 and Up-Board. AAR the Up Board has the GPIO Pins that Rasp-Pi has. Albeit you will be using a (version of) Linux and/or WIN10. Rather than the Rasp-Pi Operating System. The HATs (add-on boards) are electrically compatible w/ both Rasp-Pi and the Up Board. I have WIN10 on my Up Board. That being Said,
I have never used my Up's or Rasp-Pi's to do Anything H/W-wise. I just assembled them for "Chuckles", as general-purpose PC's . My Rasp-Pi was put in a SmartPi (brand) Enclosure that also held a Touch Screen Display. This addresses your 5). You will have to do a little Soldering here. IDK whether this Touch-Screen will work w/ the Up Board? I still have my Invoices. So I can tell you what I bought and from where. Although I believe MCM Electronics (here in USA) was merged into Newark Electronics-element14 (also USA) -
For the Input/Output at 5V and analog In and Out up to 10 V, you would need for sure an add-on board. Up boards operates GPIO at 3.3 V or even 1.8 V.
But about the touch screen, the Up offering is very poor (nonexistent?) so if the ARM architecture is OK for you, you would have better chances looking to Olimex OlinuXino series. They have industrial grade boards with good Linux support and several touchscreens in different sizes. -
Dear Simon, I am not an owner of an UP board (yet) but I have read the specifications closely. It appears that some UP boards have an eDP connector, which can use integrated touch panels per the VESA DisplayPort standard:
https://www.vesa.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/DisplayPort-DevCon-Presentation-eDP-Dec-2010-v3.pdfPlease do your own research, but I believe any touchscreen eDP display with the matching number of lanes will work with an UP board with an eDP connector.
This eDP touchscreen has a 40 PIN eDP connecter with 2 lanes. Check and make sure your board supports this and (theoretically) it should work with the right drivers:
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005003521450378.htmlHope this helps.
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