sample code in "UP-SDK-for-Windows-10-and-Windows-IoT"

I downloaded the "UP-SDK-for-Windows-10-and-Windows-IoT" from site
I used VS2013 cann't run the sample code. It needs newer version VS. Please let me know what version VS can make it work?
As you can see in Choose a UWP version for the current version of IoT (17763) you need Visual Studio 2017 or 2019.
Can I develop a project with Visual Studio 2010 on UP Board?
We'll recommend Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 to development, you can use free Visual Studio community version for personal development.
HI, my Windows system is Windows 10 Professional 2019 version, not Windows 10 IoT (17763) version. Can my UP Board work? Actually, the Hi-Safe can work well.
I used VS 2019 Professional to run aaeon sample code "UpDemoApp" with no error but can't select GPIO PIN.
I also have the problem not being able to select GPIO PIN on UpDemoApp. The Board Name and BIOS Ver fields don't get populated for me. For what it's worth I am running Windows 10 on the UP2 and doing the development on another laptop and deploying the app remotely on the UP2. Remote deployment seems to work. At least something runs on the UP2 and the drop down boxes work.